
Showing posts from September, 2017


Today I: Read almost completely through a book of Men's monologues for good ones. I found 3 of 4, but lickily I have a handful of similar books. Read another book about acting/audition technique to prepare for my auditions. I put together a tl;dr of the book's method so that I can refer back to it in the future.


Today I: Started making some decisions about the work I'm going to write. These include: Subgenre: I did some research on what styles of jazz I could possible write within, and decided that I would like to write something remeniscent of New Orleans Jazz or of Jazz Blues. I went through some video lectures from Brent Jensen about the history and features of various jazz styles. This was about 45 minutes of research, between these lectures and some listening for each of 6 styles of jazz. Instrumentation: I've begun to work on some chord progression ideas. These include some standard progressions such as Rhythm Changes, as well as some original ideas, although as of right now I am not prepared to say any of my ideas will end up being used.


Today I: Wrote an essay for a scholarship application


Today I: Begun work on presentation using compiled research Created audio samples for presentation using Garageband Begun creating visuals for first presentation

9/6/2017 (College Day)

Today I: Researched average cost of all of the 14 schools on my list to reduce the number of potential schools to 9 Researched several schools with which I was less familiar to gauge fit Worked on setting up pre-screen audition filming Worked on getting info for private training for auditions

8/30/2017 (College Day)

Today's work: Compiled a list of audition/application requirements Searched for audition songs with usable 32 and 16 bar cuts Found two monologues of appropriate durations featuring what I think are usable characters Used online resources to find potential scholarship opportunities